Asia-Pacific Youth Council

Company Overview

  • Founded Date November 13, 2022
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 59
  • Categories Social Enterprise

Company Description

About Us 

Asia-Pacific Youth Council is a non profit, youth led formal organization that aims to
empower Asia-Pacific youths to become future ready leaders. We offer young people from
throughout the world, with an emphasis on the Asia-Pacific regions, a forum to explore and
strengthen their essential leadership skills.
We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization, founded and operated by a
group of enthusiastic young individuals.

APYC for Youths :

Our primary revenue stream is based on a wide range of educational services that are
currently in demand in the market which includes, but are not limited to
– Personal development
– Professional development
– Essential Leadership skills
– Languages (i.e. English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese)

APYC for Organizations :

Our services help to transform organizations into modern digitalized workspaces by offering
technical training in fields of marketing, data analysis, project management and other OD
initiatives. These solutions include, but are not limited to
– Business Integration
– Second Brain Implementation
– Partner Projects